Are you ready to stop fighting with your kids and have a harmonious home life again?
(5 minute video)
Parenting Without Arguments: Peace At Last® a quick and easy online program to help you create more peace and cooperation in your household starting today.
Love is powerful, beautiful and life-changing. 
But relationships and family life can be very difficult, especially when we’re dealing with parenting issues
Grateful For Having Faced My Dragon and Attracted Major Media Outlets

Wouldn’t it be great if you could have peace in your home children who respect and listen to you and feel closer with your romantic partner?

What if we told you that it’s not only possible for you to create peace in your home and feel a deeper connection with your partner, but that you can do this more quickly and easily than you might think?
  • Do you struggle to get your children to listen to you?
  • Are you tired of fighting with your kids when they won’t listen to you or follow your rules
  • Do they play one parent against the other? 
  • Do you and your partner argue about your parenting styles or how to change your child’s behavior?
  • Even though you love your children, do you sometimes find it hard to come home and face them?
  • Do you feel like you are parenting alone?
I'm certain you are going to love this so I am offering a 60 day Money Back Guarantee! 
Not 30 days, but a FULL 60 days!
Grateful For Having Faced My Dragon and Attracted Major Media Outlets

we understand. 

We’ve been married for 50 years, and have gone through many challenges in our marriage, including power struggles. We even considered divorce. More than once.

But like you, we found the courage to face our parenting problems and sought help. We had to try several approaches and go through years of costly therapy and mentorship before we finally figured out the keys to a lasting, loving marriage and happy family life.

Since 1986, we have helped thousands of couples transform their relationships from being stuck in the pain of parenting struggles, to having peaceful homes and respectful children, becoming deeper partners, having better sex, and enjoying happier lives, together.

And this is what we want for you.

in Parenting Without Arguments: Peace at Last
you will learn how to...
  • Parent as a team
  • ​Establish the right structure and rules for your family
  • ​Manage conflicts and upsets
  • Maintain parental authority
  • End manipulation
  • ​Create and enjoy a peaceful home.
Grateful For Having Faced My Dragon and Attracted Major Media Outlets

Parenting can be challenging...

but it can get better

Maybe you or your partner are close to giving up on your relationship because of the conflicts and stress you are experiencing with your kids. Maybe you’ve already sought help but it hasn’t made a difference. We went through the same thing, but then decided that our marriage and our family were worth saving, if only we could learn the right skills to help us move through the pain of our parenting issues, back to the joy of having a happy family life and being in love again.

You can have a peaceful home and a loving, intimate relationship with your partner, without spending years and thousands of dollars in couples therapy. 

But you can’t do it alone. It’s simple, but it isn’t easy unless you have the right tools, skills and support. 

 if you’ve been feeling …

  • Disrespected
  • ​Resentful
  • ​​Unseen
  • ​Unheard
  • ​Unappreciated

Parenting Without Arguments: Peace at Last, will give you all the tools, skills and support you need to create peace and harmony in your home, and feel more closeness, sexual attraction and love for your partner again.

We can't wait for you to join... 

Parenting Without Arguments®

How it Works
1. Invest in yourself and your relationship 
with this transformative course now, while it’s still available at the incredibly affordable price of just $97!

Watch video lessons anytime from anywhere, and do the easy to access homework assignments for each class.
Join Drs. Barbara and Michael, and other like-minded couples, in our private Facebook Community to get your questions answered and receive ongoing support.
I Definitely Feel That We Are Closer 
There’s more playfulness and more open communication about deeper feelings that, even after 14 years, hadn’t come out.

~Shelley & Nathan
Are you ready to stop arguing with your kids, have peace in your home, and feel more loving towards your partner?

Here's what’s included in...

Parenting Without Arguments 

INTRODUCTION: Parenting without Arguments 
Welcome video outlining what you can expect from your Parenting Without Arguments: Peace at Last course.
CLASS 1: Partnership Parenting
Understand the value of a structure, routine and rules for raising children.

Get your children to respect you and work with you instead of against you.

Learn what Partnership Parenting is, and why it’s crucial for a peaceful family life and loving romantic partnership.
CLASS 2: Establish Your Family Rules & Chores
Discover how to immediately stop your children from manipulating either of you.

Learn the very specific way to update your rules and chores so that your children will follow your lead, and you will have lasting peace in your home.
CLASS 3: Implementing Your Family Rules, Chores & Consequences 
Learn how to implement your own unique family rules, chores & consequences, so that you have peace and joy in your home...

Understand how to remain calm while enforcing your family rules, the difference between consequences and punishment, and the one word that immediately stops your children from arguing with you.
NEXT STEPS: Even More Support for You
Parenting Without Arguments course review.

Bring together everything that you have learned in this training. Understand how practicing your new skills will affect your relationship, and what your next steps are. Receive even more support for yourself and your relationship.
Parenting Without Arguments
If you want to quickly create lasting calm in your home, make sure your kids become successful adults, and have a more loving relationship with your partner, this course can help you.
Parenting Without Arguments Course . . . . . . . . (Valued at  $297)

Parenting Without Arguments Workbook . . . . . . (Valued at $47)

Downloadable Transcripts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  (Valued at $27)

BONUS: Ageless Love eBook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  (Valued at $17)

BONUS: Private Facebook Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  (Valued at $300)

BONUS: The Marriage Map eBook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  (Valued at $17)

BONUS: The Marriage Map AudioBook . . .  . . . . . .  (Valued at $27)

Total Value = $732
Today's Price = $97

To support you and your family even more, we're also including

these special bonuses...


We're excited to share Ageless Love: The Sexy Science of Falling in Love Forever, with you! This is our soon to be released book, and you'll be one of the first to get your hands on an early edition. 
In Ageless Love, you will learn how to create and sustain long, healthy, loving relationships with our prescriptions for mind, body & spirit.

                    PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP (VALUE $300)

In addition to your online program, we invite you to join our private Facebook Community, where you can get exclusive access to the Doctors, receive additional teachings, join Q&A sessions, and enjoy community support.
This space is exclusively for students and alumni of our programs, to connect with each other, get answers to any questions you may have, gain deeper knowledge, and get support with implementation. Your membership in our fb community won’t end when you finish your program.

You are always welcome here.


Get your copy of our #1 Amazon Bestselling Book The Marriage Map, which will show you how to reignite the love and passion in your marriage, even if it’s been gone for a long time.
". . . a rich and sophisticated presentation of the stages of individual development and how it impacts married life."
New York Times Bestselling Author, Daniel G. Amen, M.D


Easy to listen to anywhere, enjoy the audio edition of our #1 Amazon Bestselling Book The Marriage Map. Learn how to dissolve anger and resentment, so that you can regain the passion and feel more connected with your partner.
". . . a road map for creating and maintaining a healthy, enduring, and still romantic relationship."
Author, Stanley Krippner Ph.D


The Falling In Love Forever Workbook, is the practical companion guide to our #1 Amazon Bestselling Book The Marriage Map. 
This workbook gives you and your partner the complete step-by-step "how to's" to implement the Marriage Map.
Parenting Without Arguments

While having a peaceful home, cooperative kids, and loving, long-term romantic partnership is priceless, we value this course at $732.

However, we are deeply committed to saving marriages and keeping families together, because we believe solid marriages and happy families are the foundation of our communities and our world.

So we are offering you this life-changing program today for only $97, with absolutely no risk to you!

Parenting Without Arguments Course . . . . . . . . (Valued at  $297)

Parenting Without Arguments Workbook . . . . . . (Valued at $47)

Downloadable Transcripts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Valued at $27)

BONUS: Ageless Love eBook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  (Valued at $17)

BONUS: Private Facebook Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  (Valued at $300)

BONUS: The Marriage Map eBook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  (Valued at $17)

BONUS: The Marriage Map AudioBook . . .  . . . . . .  (Valued at $27)

Total Value = $732
Today's Price = $97
These are just a few of our many Success Stories from other couples who have been where you are now … 

We promise that you CAN do this.

But in order to make sure you feel completely safe and comfortable investing in yourself and your relationship today, we are going to give you the very best guarantee.
If you’re not 100% satisfied with the course, the workbook, or or your free bonuses, contact us within 30 days, and we will offer you a full refund, no questions asked.
That means you can enroll today, and take 30 days to experience Love & Money:: Resolving Money Issues. Go through the course and do the exercises, and then make a decision. There’s absolutely NO risk to you. You have nothing to lose ... and everything to gain!
Join us now, and In the next few minutes, you’ll be set up in our exclusive members area, diving into the modules we've carefully laid out for you.

And by the end of the day, you’ll have more figured out than months of counseling or hours of searching on YouTube.

In fact, it’s our guess that you’ll learn something about your relationship that you didn’t know you needed to know, within the first 20 minutes.

Most importantly, Parenting Without Arguments will get everyone (even resistant spouses) excited about you renewing your relationship. And we know, the anticipation is half the fun

If you’re ready to stop the fighting, and enjoy a peaceful home and loving romantic partnership, join us today.
Frequently Asked Questions
Absolutely yes! We desperately needed this training when our children became teenagers. Parenting Without Arguments will help you establish the right rules and structures for you and your family, no matter what age your kids are now.
Getting your partner on board is always the ideal situation, but is not necessary in order for you, your relationship and your family to benefit greatly from this course.

Yes! We understand that getting kids to listen can be very difficult.

You may have habits that are working against you. This course will empower you with the structure, tools and skills to create and maintain order and peace in your home, while becoming closer with your partner
How much time will it take me to go through and apply what I learn in the Parenting Without Arguments course?
We understand that life is busy and you have limited time.

That's why we've set up easy 20-minutes classes plus brief homework assignments for each class. Doing the homework exercises will get you positive results right away.
Will I get any kind of additional support?
We know how important support is while facing these challenging relationship issues.

In addition to your Parenting Without Arguments course, we invite you to join our private Facebook group where the Doctors and others answer your questions and offer you additional trainings and support.
I’m a single parent. Will this course still work for me?
Yes. Being a single parent can be overwhelming. We get that. The teachings and materials provided in this course will give you the tools and skills you need to create a peaceful, happier home life for you and your kids.

It is possible for you to have the respect and peace you deserve in your home.
Enjoy more success stories from our students …

We want nothing more for you than to feel respected, have a peaceful home, raise great kids, and feel an increase in intimate love with your romantic partner.
This course will help you do that.

Click below to get started right away, and we’ll see you inside.


Dr. Barbara is a Ph.D., individual, marriage, and family therapist with over 60,000 hours of counseling, integrating spirituality and psychology. She is an expert in teaching practical skills to couples to create a fulfilling, romantic partnership. 
She has published articles on faith and relationship development in numerous publications including World Religion News, Time, and

Dr. Michael is a fellow of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine and specializes in anti-aging regenerative medicine using bio-identical hormone replacement and stem cells to assist men and women in reversing the effects of 

He is the author of The Vitality Connection: Ten Practical Ways to Optimize Health and Reverse the Aging Process and The Magic of Stem Cells: Awakening Your Own Healing Power.

We want to share with you the keys to moving through this phase of your lives so that your relationship does not get lost in the chaos of conflict. We learned how to do this and we know how to teach and coach you.

For over 30 years, Michael Grossman MD and Barbara Grossman PhD have taught thousands of couples the practical skills to create a fulfilling, romantic partnership and family life. They have appeared on CBS, NBC, Fox, and CW.

Drs. Michael and Barbara are the authors of The Marriage Map: Transforming Your Marriage From Ordeal to Adventure and the soon-to-be-released Ageless Love: The Sexy Science of Falling in Love Forever.
Dr. Barbara Grossman, PhD, is an individual, marriage, and family therapist with over 60,000 hours of counseling, integrating spirituality and psychology. She is an expert in teaching practical skills to couples to create fulfilling, romantic partnerships.

Dr. Barbara has published articles on faith and relationship development in numerous publications including World Religion News, Time, and She is the author of The Marriage Map. Dr. Barbara and Dr. Michael are co-authors of Ageless Love, The Sexy Science of Falling in Love Forever: Prescriptions for Mind, Body & Spirit.
Dr. Michael, MD, is a fellow of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. He specializes in anti-aging regenerative medicine using bio-identical hormone replacement and stem cells to assist men and women in reversing the effects of aging. Dr. Michael has also taught thousands of people deep, effortless meditation since 1973.

Dr. Michael is the author of The Vitality Connection: Ten Practical Ways to Optimize Health and Reverse the Aging Process; The Magic of Stem Cells: Awakening Your Own Healing Power; and Secrets to Deep and Effortless Meditation.
For over 30 years, Michael Grossman MD and Barbara Grossman PhD have taught thousands of couples the practical Forever Love Skills™ to create a fulfilling, romantic partnership and family life. They have appeared on CBS, NBC, Fox, and CW.

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